Have any questions? 0131 441 2266 enquiries@peachescolinton.co.uk

Classic Lashes
Lash Extensions are a glamorous way to extend the length and thickness of natural eyelashes, and are a practical, convenient and beautiful alternative to the daily use of mascara. Classic lash extensions are the first innovation in lash lengthening that can be worn daily, without nightly removal. Each tapered, synthetic lash is bonded to a single natural lash, the final result is of effortless glamour and difficult to detect even close up.
With recommended top-ups every 3 weeks, these can be worn for up to 6 months without damaging natural lashes.
Full Set - £76
Infill - £40

Volume Lashes
Volume Lashes are anywhere from 2-8 individual, ultra-lightweight eyelashes placed on a single natural eyelash in the shape of a fan.
Volume lash fans do not come pre-clustered, individual lashes are picked and created into a fan by your therapist – creating a truly personalized lash designed for you!
If you’re already blessed with full, thick natural lashes, volume lashes can give you a super full, lush look. If your lashes are sparse, volume eyelash extensions will give you the fullness that classic lashes cannot give you.
Full Set Volume Lashes - £88
Infill - £51